Extract .wav From .dat

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Watch Dogs 2 runs on the Disrupt game engine, which is developed by Ubisoft Montreal.


Since every game’s engine is different, so different tools and strategies are used to manipulate game’s source files.


In case of Watch Dogs 2, it’s data files have extensions of .dat and .fat types.

  • MultiExtractor - Extract picture (JPG, PNG, GIF, BMP, ICO.), music (MP3, WAV.), 3D texture (3DS, DDS, LWO) or other files from any storage, database, DLL, EXE or slideshow. Find and extract hidden or packed resources, unpack and save them. Recover files from corrupted backup file.
  • I have a game on my hard drive and I really like its music so I want to burn the music on to a disc. However, I noticed that the music files were stored in a.dat extension, not a.wav or.mp3. Is there a way or program that could possibly extract the music from the.dat into a.wav or.mp3?
  • DAT2WAV is a command line program to dump the digital audio (at up to 4x speed) from a DAT tape to a WAV file. It also writes tapes from WAV and MP3 files. It runs only in a DOS window under Win95/98/NT/2K/XP. It requires that ASPI drivers be installed and running.
  • I am creating an audio player using the Java Sound API (using J2SDK 1.4.2). WAV files are stored in a database. These WAV files are passed to me in the form of a byte array (headers included). Is there any easy way to extract the audio data without building a parser? I've been creating an.

Extract Raw Data From Wav File

A DAT file is a generic data file created by a specific application. It may contain data in binary or text format (text-based DAT files can be viewed in a text editor). DAT files are typically accessed only by the application that created them. Many programs create, open, or reference DAT files.

Extract wav data

Due to the Disrupt engine, these files can’t be extracted by any normal extractor or text editor.

Then, simply import modified wav file using scipy to get data and frame-rate. From scipy.io import wavfile from pydub import AudioSegment audio = 'sig100.wav' audio1 = 'sig10016.wav' #read wav file and export with 16bit bitrate s = AudioSegment.fromfile(audio, format = 'wav' ) s.export(audio1, bitrate='16', format='wav') #read modified file.

To extract sound files from the .dat/.fat data files you will need some tools which i am linking references to:

  1. Watch Dogs 2 patch files (WD2 patch tools) -This will extract the .dat data file http://www.mediafire.com/file/8ai72rqji427mcn/WD2_patch_tools.zip
  2. .wem to .ogg converter – The extracted sound files will be in .wem format which are unplayable by any audio player in Windows. So you need to convert them to .ogg format which can be played by any audio player. https://1drv.ms/u/s!At8Z5w89AihZndkYb8tVxF3l5ldqBg
  3. .bnk to .ogg/.mp3 converter – Some sound files may get extracted to .bnk extensions. These are soundbanks, containing multiple .wem audio files.
  4. (Optional) I recommend using Resonic Player – It is a super fast and free audio player that will play the extracted files hassle-free.
Extract date from cell

Extracting sound files

First of all, copy the data file which you want to extract to have a backup in case of corruption. (e.g. copy sound.dat and sound.fat both from game’s directory to desktop.)

Now, put all the tools and the data files on the desktop.

drag and drop the sound.fat on WD2Extract.bat file. Tecnomatix plant simulation 9 cracked. It would then extract the sound.dat file into a new subfolder named soundbinary in the sound folder.

Extract Date From String

At this point, you would now have a folder named soundbinary with many files having .wem extensions. As mentioned above, these can’t be played with any audio player. You would now need to convert these .wem files to something playable format like .ogg format.

To convert these .wem to .ogg format, you would need the converter linked above. First download the converter and extract it to desktop.

Extract Wav Data

Copy the contents of the divinity_sound_converter to the soundbinary folder and then run divinity_converter.exe application.

After conversion, you would have all the converted files in the NUMBERED folder as all the .wem files are numbered. Those converted files should now be playable. Patch fix keyboard rf.

Extract Hidden Data From Wav File

I am playing these files using the simple Resonic Player (beta).

And that’s it! You now have extracted sound files from the sound.dat file

Extract Date From Cell

NOTEAfter extraction of different .dat files, many files will be of .bnk type, to extract these you would need .bnk to .ogg converter