Word For Mac Symbol Greater Than Or Equal To

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Symbol font – Unicode alternatives for Greek and special characters in HTML

Has anyone notice that the advanced relational operator 'greater than or equivalent to' looks nice, but that its partner, 'less than or equivalent to' looks amateurish? (Word 2010 Equation Tools) Is there a way to fix this? Better yet, is there a way to build up my own custom symbols by stacking other symbols? For example, the way to write a 'less than or equal to' symbol in Word is the same for writing one in Google Docs, but it is not the same for Windows and Macs. This wikiHow will show you how to type the 'less than or equal to' sign for Mac and Windows.


Symbol font should not be used in Web pages. Specifying Symbol font is contrary to the published specifications, has never been a documented feature of HTML and is not reliable. This page is not a demonstration of how to use Symbol font; it provides a warning of the problems that it causes, and shows how to use Unicode instead.

Greater than or equal to symbol alt code (keyboard shortcut) Every symbol in Microsoft Word has a unique code that can be used to type that symbol into your document. The Alt code for Greater than or equal to symbol is 2265. The two simple steps below will show you how to type Greater than or equal to symbol using the alt code (shortcut). Macbook pro, Mac OS X (10.6.4), airport extreme Posted on Oct 27, 2011 1:47 PM Reply I have this question too (1155) I have this question too Me too (1155) Me too.

Monotype Typography produce their non-Unicode Symbol font in a Windows OpenType® version which is supplied with Windows Vista, a Windows TrueType® version which was supplied with Windows 3.1x, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT, Windows 2000 and Windows XP, a Macintosh TrueType version which was supplied with Mac OS 9, and PostScript® versions for Windows, Macintosh and UNIX. Even though the Mac OS 9 and Windows versions of Symbol font have identical character sets, a Web page that specifies Symbol font and displays correctly on Windows cannot be relied on when viewed with Internet Explorer under Mac OS 9 – the Greek letters display as intended, but many of the other characters do not. With Mac OS X 10.1, Apple supply a system font called Symbol that has the characters at their Unicode code points.

For Windows, the Internet Explorer, Edge, Google Chrome and Opera browsers allow the non-Unicode Symbol font to be specified in HTML or CSS, to enable the basic Greek alphabet and many other special characters to be displayed.

The more standards-compliant browsers, such as Firefox, do not support non-Unicode fonts such as Symbol, and correctly display the normal Unicode characters instead. For example, they display D instead of Δ for decimal code point 68.

Fortunately, the greatly extended range of character entity references supported in HTML 4.01 together with the increased number of characters in Microsoft’s WGL4 TrueType fonts and Apple’s Lucida Grande font provide an easier and more reliable way to display most of the characters for which the Symbol font was formerly required. Even more characters are becoming displayable as Unicode support in browsers and fonts becomes more widespread. The fourth and fifth columns in the following tables show how to use Unicode characters that are equivalent to almost all of the characters in Symbol font.

In the following tables, the first 2 columns are intended to demonstrate the problems caused by using Symbol font. It is possible that your combination of browser and operating system will show Greek and special characters, but browsers that conform to the published standards will demonstrate why Symbol font should not be used in Web pages. Hp laserjet 400 m401dn driver for mac.

If you want to print this page, you will probably need to use either landscape orientation or shrink-to-fit.

Unicode ranges containing equivalent characters

  • Letterlike Symbols (5)
  • Arrows (11)
  • Mathematical Operators (39)
  • Miscellaneous Technical (26)
  • Geometric Shapes (1)
  • Miscellaneous Symbols (4)
Character with no Unicode equivalent (1)

Basic Latin : Unicode U+0000 – U+007F (0–127)

CharacterCharacter entityspace-  is ‘’SpaceWGL4
!exclam-! is !Exclamation markWGL4
#numbersign-# is #Number signWGL4
%percent-% is %Percent signWGL4
&ampersand& is && is &AmpersandWGL4
(parenleft-( is (Left parenthesisWGL4
)parenright-) is )Right parenthesisWGL4
+plus-+ is +Plus signWGL4
,comma-, is ,CommaWGL4
.period-. is .Full stopWGL4
/slash-/ is /SolidusWGL4
0zero-0 is 0Digit zeroWGL4
1one-1 is 1Digit oneWGL4
2two-2 is 2Digit twoWGL4
3three-3 is 3Digit threeWGL4
4four-4 is 4Digit fourWGL4
5five-5 is 5Digit fiveWGL4
6six-6 is 6Digit sixWGL4
7seven-7 is 7Digit sevenWGL4
8eight-8 is 8Digit eightWGL4
9nine-9 is 9Digit nineWGL4
:colon-: is :ColonWGL4
;semicolon-&#59; is ;SemicolonWGL4
<less&lt; is <&#60; is <Less-than signWGL4
=equal-&#61; is =Equals signWGL4
>greater&gt; is >&#62; is >Greater-than signWGL4
?question-&#63; is ?Question markWGL4
[bracketleft-&#91; is [Left square bracketWGL4
]bracketright-&#93; is ]Right square bracketWGL4
_underscore-&#95; is _Low lineWGL4
{braceleft-&#123; is {Left curly bracketWGL4
bar-&#124; is Vertical lineWGL4
}braceright-&#125; is }Right curly bracketWGL4

Latin-1 Supplement : Unicode U+0080 – U+00FF (128–255)

CharacterCharacter entity°degree&deg; is °&#176; is °Degree signWGL4
±plusminus&plusmn; is ±&#177; is ±Plus-minus signWGL4
´multiply&times; is ×&#215; is ×Multiplication signWGL4
¸divide&divide; is ÷&#247; is ÷Division signWGL4
Òregisterserif&reg; is ®&#174; is ®Registered sign (serif)WGL4
Ócopyrightserif&copy; is ©&#169; is ©Copyright sign (serif)WGL4
Ølogicalnot&not; is ¬&#172; is ¬Not signWGL4
âregistersans&reg; is ®&#174; is ®Registered sign (sans-serif)WGL4
ãcopyrightsans&copy; is ©&#169; is ©Copyright sign (sans-serif)WGL4

Latin Extended-B : Unicode U+0180 – U+024F (384–591)

CharacterCharacter entity¦florin&fnof; is ƒ&#402; is ƒLatin small letter f with hookWGL4

Greek : Unicode U+0370 – U+03FF (880–1023)

CharacterCharacter entityAAlpha&Alpha; is Α&#913; is ΑGreek capital letter alphaWGL4
BBeta&Beta; is Β&#914; is ΒGreek capital letter betaWGL4
GGamma&Gamma; is Γ&#915; is ΓGreek capital letter gammaWGL4
DDelta&Delta; is Δ&#916; is ΔGreek capital letter deltaWGL4
EEpsilon&Epsilon; is Ε&#917; is ΕGreek capital letter epsilonWGL4
ZZeta&Zeta; is Ζ&#918; is ΖGreek capital letter zetaWGL4
HEta&Eta; is Η&#919; is ΗGreek capital letter etaWGL4
QTheta&Theta; is Θ&#920; is ΘGreek capital letter thetaWGL4
IIota&Iota; is Ι&#921; is ΙGreek capital letter iotaWGL4
KKappa&Kappa; is Κ&#922; is ΚGreek capital letter kappaWGL4
LLambda&Lambda; is Λ&#923; is ΛGreek capital letter lamdaWGL4
MMu&Mu; is Μ&#924; is ΜGreek capital letter muWGL4
NNu&Nu; is Ν&#925; is ΝGreek capital letter nuWGL4
XXi&Xi; is Ξ&#926; is ΞGreek capital letter xiWGL4
OOmicron&Omicron; is Ο&#927; is ΟGreek capital letter omicronWGL4
PPi&Pi; is Π&#928; is ΠGreek capital letter piWGL4
RRho&Rho; is Ρ&#929; is ΡGreek capital letter rhoWGL4
SSigma&Sigma; is Σ&#931; is ΣGreek capital letter sigmaWGL4
TTau&Tau; is Τ&#932; is ΤGreek capital letter tauWGL4
UUpsilon&Upsilon; is Υ&#933; is ΥGreek capital letter upsilonWGL4
FPhi&Phi; is Φ&#934; is ΦGreek capital letter phiWGL4
CChi&Chi; is Χ&#935; is ΧGreek capital letter chiWGL4
YPsi&Psi; is Ψ&#936; is ΨGreek capital letter psiWGL4
WOmega&Omega; is Ω&#937; is ΩGreek capital letter omegaWGL4
aalpha&alpha; is α&#945; is αGreek small letter alphaWGL4
bbeta&beta; is β&#946; is βGreek small letter betaWGL4
ggamma&gamma; is γ&#947; is γGreek small letter gammaWGL4
ddelta&delta; is δ&#948; is δGreek small letter deltaWGL4
eepsilon&epsilon; is ε&#949; is εGreek small letter epsilonWGL4
zzeta&zeta; is ζ&#950; is ζGreek small letter zetaWGL4
heta&eta; is η&#951; is ηGreek small letter etaWGL4
qtheta&theta; is θ&#952; is θGreek small letter thetaWGL4
iiota&iota; is ι&#953; is ιGreek small letter iotaWGL4
kkappa&kappa; is κ&#954; is κGreek small letter kappaWGL4
llambda&lambda; is λ&#955; is λGreek small letter lamdaWGL4
mmu&mu; is μ&#956; is μGreek small letter muWGL4
nnu&nu; is ν&#957; is νGreek small letter nuWGL4
xxi&xi; is ξ&#958; is ξGreek small letter xiWGL4
oomicron&omicron; is ο&#959; is οGreek small letter omicronWGL4
ppi&pi; is π&#960; is πGreek small letter piWGL4
rrho&rho; is ρ&#961; is ρGreek small letter rhoWGL4
Vsigma1&sigmaf; is ς&#962; is ςGreek small letter final sigmaWGL4
ssigma&sigma; is σ&#963; is σGreek small letter sigmaWGL4
ttau&tau; is τ&#964; is τGreek small letter tauWGL4
uupsilon&upsilon; is υ&#965; is υGreek small letter upsilonWGL4
fphi&phi; is φ&#966; is φGreek small letter phiWGL4
cchi&chi; is χ&#967; is χGreek small letter chiWGL4
ypsi&psi; is ψ&#968; is ψGreek small letter psiWGL4
womega&omega; is ω&#969; is ωGreek small letter omegaWGL4
Jtheta1&thetasym; is ϑ&#977; is ϑGreek theta symbol-
jphi1-&#981; is ϕGreek phi symbol-
vomega1&piv; is ϖ&#982; is ϖGreek pi symbol-
¡Upsilon1&upsih; is ϒ&#978; is ϒGreek upsilon with hook symbol-

General Punctuation : Unicode U+2000 – U+206F (8192–8303)

CharacterCharacter entity¢minute&prime; is &#8242; is PrimeWGL4
¤fraction&frasl; is &#8260; is Fraction slashWGL4
²second&Prime; is &#8243; is Double primeWGL4
¼ellipsis&hellip; is &#8230; is Horizontal ellipsisWGL4

Letterlike Symbols : Unicode U+2100 – U+214F (8448–8527)

CharacterCharacter entityÀaleph&alefsym; is &#8501; is Alef symbol-
ÁIfraktur&image; is &#8465; is Black-letter capital I-
ÂRfraktur&real; is &#8476; is Black-letter capital R-
Ãweierstrass&weierp; is &#8472; is Script capital P-
Ôtrademarkserif&trade; is &#8482; is Trade mark sign (serif)WGL4
ätrademarksans&trade; is &#8482; is Trade mark sign (sans-serif)WGL4

Currency Symbols : Unicode U+20A0 – U+20CF (8352–8399)

Macbook air types in symbols
CharacterCharacter entityðEuro&euro; is &#8364; is Euro signWGL4

See More Results

Arrows : Unicode U+2190 – U+21FF (8592–8703)

CharacterCharacter entity«arrowboth&harr; is &#8596; is Left right arrowWGL4
¬arrowleft&larr; is &#8592; is Leftwards arrowWGL4
­arrowup&uarr; is &#8593; is Upwards arrowWGL4
®arrowright&rarr; is &#8594; is Rightwards arrowWGL4
¯arrowdown&darr; is &#8595; is Downwards arrowWGL4
¿carriagereturn&crarr; is &#8629; is Downwards arrow with corner leftwards-
Ûarrowdblboth&hArr; is &#8660; is Left right double arrow-
Üarrowdblleft&lArr; is &#8656; is Leftwards double arrow-
Ýarrowdblup&uArr; is &#8657; is Upwards double arrow-
Þarrowdblright&rArr; is &#8658; is Rightwards double arrow-
ßarrowdbldown&dArr; is &#8659; is Downwards double arrow-

Mathematical Operators : Unicode U+2200 – U+22FF (8704–8959)

CharacterCharacter entity'universal&forall; is &#8704; is For all-
$existential&exist; is &#8707; is There exists-
'suchthat-&#8717; is Small contains as member-
*asteriskmath&lowast; is &#8727; is Asterisk operator-
-minus&minus; is &#8722; is Minus signWGL4
@congruent&cong; is &#8773; is Approximately equal to-
therefore&there4; is &#8756; is Therefore-
^perpendicular&perp; is &#8869; is Up tack-
~similar&sim; is &#8764; is Tilde operator-
£lessequal&le; is &#8804; is Less-than or equal toWGL4
¥infinity&infin; is &#8734; is InfinityWGL4
³greaterequal&ge; is &#8805; is Greater-than or equal toWGL4
µproportional&prop; is &#8733; is Proportional to-
partialdiff&part; is &#8706; is Partial differentialWGL4
·bullet&bull; is &#8226; is Bullet-
¹notequal&ne; is &#8800; is Not equal toWGL4
ºequivalence&equiv; is &#8801; is Identical toWGL4
»approxequal&asymp; is &#8776; is Almost equal toWGL4
Äcirclemultiply&otimes; is &#8855; is Circled times-
Åcircleplus&oplus; is &#8853; is Circled plus-
Æemptyset&empty; is &#8709; is Empty set-
Çintersection&cap; is &#8745; is IntersectionWGL4
Èunion&cup; is &#8746; is Union-
Épropersuperset&sup; is &#8835; is Superset of-
Êreflexsuperset&supe; is &#8839; is Superset of or equal to-
Ënotsubset&nsub; is &#8836; is Not a subset of-
Ìpropersubset&sub; is &#8834; is Subset of-
Íreflexsubset&sube; is &#8838; is Subset of or equal to-
Îelement&isin; is &#8712; is Element of-
Ïnotelement&notin; is &#8713; is Not an element of-
Ðangle&ang; is &#8736; is Angle-
Ñgradient&nabla; is &#8711; is Nabla-
Õproduct&prod; is &#8719; is N-ary productWGL4
Öradical&radic; is &#8730; is Square rootWGL4
×dotmath&sdot; is &#8901; is Dot operator-
Ùlogicaland&and; is &#8743; is Logical and-
Úlogicalor&or; is &#8744; is Logical or-
åsummation&sum; is &#8721; is N-ary summationWGL4
òintegral&int; is &#8747; is IntegralWGL4

Miscellaneous Technical : Unicode U+2300 – U+23FF (8960–9215)

CharacterCharacter entity½arrowvertex-&#9168; is Vertical line extension-
¾arrowhorizex-&#9135; is Horizontal line extension-
áangleleft&lang; is &#9001; is Left-pointing angle bracket-
æparenlefttp-&#9115; is Left parenthesis upper hook-
çparenleftex-&#9116; is Left parenthesis extension-
èparenleftbt-&#9117; is Left parenthesis lower hook-
ébracketlefttp-&#9121; is Left square bracket upper corner-
êbracketleftex-&#9122; is Left square bracket extension-
ëbracketleftbt-&#9123; is Left square bracket lower corner-
ìbracelefttp-&#9127; is Left curly bracket upper hook-
íbraceleftmid-&#9128; is Left curly bracket middle piece-
îbraceleftbt-&#9129; is Left curly bracket lower hook-
ïbraceex-&#9130; is Curly bracket extension-
ñangleright&rang; is &#9002; is Right-pointing angle bracket-
óintegraltp-&#8992; is Top half integralWGL4
ôintegralex-&#9134; is Integral extension-
õintegralbt-&#8993; is Bottom half integralWGL4
öparenrighttp-&#9118; is Right parenthesis upper hook-
÷parenrightex-&#9119; is Right parenthesis extension-
øparenrightbt-&#9120; is Right parenthesis lower hook-
ùbracketrighttp-&#9124; is Right square bracket upper corner-
úbracketrightex-&#9125; is Right square bracket extension-
ûbracketrightbt-&#9126; is Right square bracket lower corner-
übracerighttp-&#9131; is Right curly bracket upper hook-
ýbracerightmid-&#9132; is Right curly bracket middle piece-
þbracerightbt-&#9133; is Right curly bracket lower hook-

Geometric Shapes : Unicode U+25A0 – U+25FF (9632–9727)

CharacterCharacter entityàlozenge&loz; is &#9674; is LozengeWGL4

Miscellaneous Symbols : Unicode U+2600 – U+26FF (9728–9983)

CharacterCharacter entity§club&clubs; is &#9827; is Black club suitWGL4
¨diamond&diams; is &#9830; is Black diamond suitWGL4
©heart&hearts; is &#9829; is Black heart suitWGL4
ªspade&spades; is &#9824; is Black spade suitWGL4

Character with no Unicode equivalent

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