The Installation Failed In The Second Boot Phase

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In my previous post, I showed you how to solve a Windows 10 Upgrade error 0x8007001F – 0x20006.
But just after overcoming this error, the Windows 10 upgrade process continues over phase 02. But the setup was stuck again at phase 4 when processing the OOBE (Out Of the Box Experience) and failed with the following message:

  • Installation failed in the SECONDBOOT Phase Trying to install build 10061. Works through: Configuring settings. Applying Pc Settings and then fails.
  • Create a restore point on your Windows. Before moving forward you need to create a restore point.
  • “The installation failed in SecondBoot phase with an error during MigrateData operation.” After a while, the error disappears and configuration proceeds. However, not for a long time. At around 90% of configuration settings phase, an error 0xC1900101 – 0x4001E emerges.

Any above, with the comment install fail during secondboot. Googling the issue, it would imply that there is a driver issue, however since there are no laptop, I had loaded office 16, elements13 and AVG prior to deciding to do the upgrade. Aug 25, 2018 Just choose “Uninstall” so it can keep the original driver. Installing them back should be part of the automatic install or worst case; you can re-download them from the manufacturer’s site and copy over to USB Flash Disk to re-install or via Ethernet since we are only uninstalling Wireless; the ethernet should work.

0xC1900101 – 0x4001E: The installation failed in the SECOND_BOOT phase with an error during PRE_OOBE operation.

Aero glass remove watermark. If you don’t know it, the out of the box experience is the step when Cortana starts talking and ask you for your language preferences, Keyboard selection, Network connection…etc.

The Troubleshooting

First, let’s examine the error code 0xC1900101– 0x4001E.
The error code is a combination of two parts; The “result” code and the “extended” code.

Part 1: The resulting code (0xC1900101)

The 0xC1900101 is the result code. 0xC1900101 is a generic code that indicates that a rollback has occurred. Knowing that a rollback has occurred is not a big deal since I know that already. So I need to interpret the extended code 0x4001E to understand what caused the rollback.

Part 2: The extended code (0x4001E)

The extended code contains information about both the phase in which the error occurred and the operation performed when the error occurred.
By examining the code, I can deduct that the error occurred in phase 4.

Phase 4, is when the system boots for the second time and performs the following tasks:

  • Migrate user settings;
  • Migrate user data;
  • Start OOBE (Out Of the Box Experience);

The 1E code part indicates that the error occurred during the Pre-OOBE operation ( SP_EXECUTION_OP_PRE_OOBE ).

The Installation Failed In The Second Boot Phase

The Installation Failed In The Second Boot Phase With An Error During Migrate


Knowing this information can help me to search for clues in the log files.
Here are the last lines of the setupact.log under C:$WINDOWS.~BT SourcesPanther path;

I started reading the log file from the button up to the top, searching for keywords like error, fatal, failed…etc.
And in a short time, I found this line “FatalError [0x090001] PANTHR Exception (code 0xC0000005: ACCESS_VIOLATION) occurred at 0x00007FFFB4C75087 in C:WindowsSystem32provengine.dll…
it seems that the setup program faced a memory access violation caused by running code loaded from the DLL provengine.dll and it generated a memory dump file.

I then tried to analyze the dump file in windbg, by issuing the command “!analyze -v” Parasite eve 2 epsxe save file.

The result didn’t guide me toward a clear clue. So I took the instruction at the top of the call stack (provengine!TraceLoggingCorrelationVector::ToString) and put it in google search engine.

Why the instruction on the top of the stack?
Because it was the instruction that caused the memory access violation.
So, with a bit of luck, someone else has gone through the same problem and found the fix.

And sure enough, I found an article, talking about the same error and delivering the solution to fix that problem.

The solution:

The Installation Failed In The Second Boot Phase With An Error During Sysprep_specialize

At a glance to solve the Windows 10 upgrade 0xC1900101– 0x4001E error code, you have to:

  1. Rename the “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftProvisioning ” registry key to “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftProvisioning.old
  2. Rename the C:WindowsProvisiong folder to C:WindowsProvisiong.old
  3. Restart your computer;
  4. Run the setup again.

You can read the step by step solution here.

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The Installation Failed In The Second Boot Phase 0x40017

The Installation Failed In The Second Boot Phase

Installation Failed In The Second Boot Phase

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The Installation Failed In The Second Boot Phase With An Error During Migrate_data Operation
