Sting Card Game Instructions

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  2. The Sting Game Free
  3. Sting Card Game Instructions Ninja
This SKUNCUM card game web site will continue to be assembled, constructed, and revised or corrected as our uploading program proceeds.

If you are an enthusiastic fan of great card games and board games - come back soon for SKUNCUM!
There will be BIG promotional discounts and some lively and exciting free contests.

The Hook and Ring Game has been around for a long time, it's called different things all around the World. Some people call it Bimini Ring, or Ring the Bull and it can have several rules variations based on your geographic location. We are providing you our suggestions on how to get started play the basic Hook and Ring game. Buy Sting: The Wild-Card Game That Zings Your Opponents! Online at best price in India. Shop online for Sting: The Wild-Card Game That Zings Your Opponents! Only on Snapdeal. Get Free Shipping & CoD options across India. If there are just two players in the game this means that the player of the joker immediately plays another card of any value. In games of more than two players the joker is treated in one of three ways: as glass (like a 7) or with a value of 7, or with a value of 2. To avoid arguments decide before starting which of these variations is being.


- The card game of the ROYAL STING! -

  • 2006 Very Hungry Caterpillar Card Game Rules. (University Games) $4.00 2007 Very Hungry Caterpillar Card Game Rules. (University Games) $4.00 0000 Vexation Marble Game Rules. (Nichols Novelty Co.) $4.00 1975 Viaduct Game Rules. (Ravensburger) $4.00 0000 Vibrating Pinball Handheld Model 158-EP Game Rules. (Excalibur) $4.00.
  • If you're looking for a fun card game to play with friends, give Uno a try! Each player begins with a hand of 7 Uno cards. To play, match one of your cards with the card that's been dealt with. The first player to get rid of all of their cards wins the round. Then all players tally up their scores. The game continues until one person scores 500.

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- a classic fun card game -


There are NO special skills or knowledge required to play
If you can'add and subtract' you can play!
What makes SKUNCUM so specialin the realm of great card games?

SKUNCUM is a unique one of a kind card game that truly has a totally different approach to the protocol and 'modus operandi' of card playing strategies and action. It is a dynamic card game of fast and easy play action decisions at various times, and other times when the situation you face needs some earnest contemplation and plotting before you make your next play. It is one of the most interesting, fascinating, and fun card games you will ever play.Mac os sierra 10.12.dmg download.

It uses a proprietary card deck of 134 quality and long lasting plastic coated cards composed of 4 different primary 'SUITS' with image color schemes of solid red, solid black, and solid blue, and a wild suit consisting of mostly solid green images but fewer in number than the 'straight' suits of red, black, and blue.

In addition the deck contains a smaller but very important contingent of cards containing both 'BONUS' ACTION cards and 'SKUNCUM' ATTACK ACTION cards that imparts to the player a hightened sense of engaging in tactical combat and strategic warfare against all the other players. However - that being true, there will also be situations and appropriate times when you will find it necessary to join and plot with some other player(s) to coordinate your plays as a team in an attempt and effort to try to frustrate or restrain any further gains and advances by the Front Runner(s). This is why 'SKUNCUM' can be called a fascinating card game of shifting alliances.

The game is played out on a game board that has strategic play areas in which players elect to play their cards during each round of cards. It is simple and easy to play, but at the same time requires some sophisticated thinking. The interplay between the ingenious mix of the SUIT cards and the BONUS and ATTACKACTION cards produces an endless kaleidoscope of unusual and challenging play situation scenarios that develop as each card is in turn played out on the game board. It is this constant change and interplay between the Suit cards and the Action cards that laces the flow ot the game with the zest and pizzazz that makes it so intensley exciting and enjoyable to play.

Get out the sandwichs and your favorite drinks and snacks!

We want you to have a pleasant and interesting visit with us while you are reviewing the SKUNCUM card game, so we have designed these pages in a presentaton sequence we think you will both enjoy and appreciate as you absorb the fascinating and remarkable aspects of a really different kind of game.

Scroll down toward the bottom of this page for links to our continuing online SKUNCUM pages. The links are arranged in a logical top to bottom order for reviewing the most basic data of the game first and then down progressively to the finer aspects for your enhanced enjoyment and ease of navigation to the pages you may want to revisit.

It is suggested you first review the pages in the logical sequence indicated in the list of links. The last three linked pages represent the official card game rules and guidelines as provided in the game box.Of course you can always come back to these online pages to review the various aspects of the SKUNCUM card game.

The Game Board Strategic Play Areas

The 'SKUNCUM' game board exhibit below is intended only to give the viewer a clear and unfettered impression of the deliniation of the four strategic card playing fields in which players will make their plays. (The game board exhibit below and those in the pages that follow do not show the various images, cartoons and art work on the actual game board)
  • GAME PIECES = 2.
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  • SKUNCUM HOME PAGE of the 'SKUNCUM' Card Game
  • BARE BONES GIST of the 'SKUNCUM' Card Game
  • Quick Review of the SKUNCUM playing cards
  • The 'SCRUM' & 'The Landslide Win' page of the 'SKUNCUM' Card Game


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© Campaign Politiks 1988 T. J. Testa
© SKUNCUM 2002 T. J. Testa


  • 200 Horrible situation cards
  • Instructions

Object of the Game

Be the best at ranking bad events from 'eh' to the absolute worst.

The Misery Index

Each card could depict a bad event that has happened or COULD happen.

As you'll see, some of the situations on the cards are pretty minor (like a bee sting), and some of them are more problematic (like getting fired).

Each card has been ranked on our Misery Index. The Misery Index is our ranking system that runs from 1 to 100.

Sting card game instructions number of cards

You may be wondering: how did we rank the cards? Well, we didn't. We asked a panel of serious, highly qualified grown-ups to do it for us. Our panel includes marriage counselors, therapists, career counselors and social workers; collectively representing over 150 YEARS of clinical psychiatric experience. Trust us-they know their stuff.

They carefully evaluated each event (even the moronic ones) considering such factors as:

  • Anxiety level
  • Emotional trauma
  • Long-term psychological damage

After these were reviewed, we averaged their scores to create our Misery Index.

Card Anatomy

The cards for Stuff HappensTM aren't complicated.


First, shuffle the deck and deal three cards to each player. We don't care who deals - you decide. The remaining cards form a draw pile.

Place your cards face up on the table in front of you, ranked by the numerical order of the Misery Index.


Game Play

You are building a scale-a scale of woe. We like to call it the LANE OF PAIN.

The same player who was man enough to deal the cards gets to go first. When it's your turn, the player to your right draws a card from the draw pile. S/he reads the horrible situation aloud but doesn't reveal the misery index number.

To win the card, you don't have to guess the exact index number (which would be, like, impossible).

All you have to do is guess its proper place in your lane of pain. In other words, put it in order with the rest of your cards.

Let's say you have these 3 cards:

You are trying to win this card:

Hmm..that's a tough one. Where does it belong in your LANE OF PAIN?

If you think pepper spray in eyes is LESS AWFUL than a disastrous haircut, indicate area A.

If you think it falls BETWEEN disastrous haircut and root canal, indicate B.

Sting Card Game Instructions Free

If you think it is WORSE than a root canal, but NOT AS BAD as being locked out of your house while naked, indicate C.

If you think it is WORSE than all three, indicate D.

Drumroll please.

Pepper spray in eyes has a Misery Rating of 26, so the answer is:

B: between disastrous haircut and root canal

  • If you guessed correctly, you win the card. It remains, face up, in your lane of pain and your turn is then over.

  • If you guessed incorrectly, the player to your left can 'steal' the card by guessing where it fits in his/ her LANE OF PAIN. If that player misses, play proceeds clockwise around the table with each player guessing until someone guesses correctly and wins the card.

If you make it all the way around the table, and back to the person who originally read the card, and none of the players guessed correctly, well then.. you guys obviously suck. Place the card in the discard pile.

As additional cards are won, the gaps between the cards in your LANE OF PAIN narrow and the game becomes more challenging.

Assume the Worst

When considering a bad situation, you should assume the worst possible, yet still plausible, scenario.

If a card says 'Phone falls in toilet', don't assume that you fished it out, did the whole rice thing, and miraculously it still works. No. Your phone is ruined, all your data is lost, and you don't have insurance. Way to go.

End of the Game

The Sting Game Free

The first player to accumulate 10 bad event cards wins. Congratulations!

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