Exe Unpacker

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Note: Development on the 'official' version of Universal Extractor has stopped. It's not exactly abandoned, but since I no longer run Windows it's not something I have much of a need for these days. There have been a lot of unofficial forks and continuations released, and while I appreciate the effort and enthusiasm, most of those have been closed source updates that I wouldn't recommend.

  1. Exe Unpacker Software
  2. How To Unpack Exe File
  3. Exe Unpacker Mac
  4. See Full List On Github.com

Hey guys welcome to my channel today i will teach you how to edit EXE file with resource hacker.It is a simple tutorial on how to edit, unpack and repack a. File autorun.exe inside your DR-Backup.exe is packed and therefore my unpacker cannot process it automatically. This is how you can solve the problem: 1) Try to unpack your DR-Backup.exe. My unpacker will extract most files and then complain about password. 2) Go to the folder with unpacked files and find autorun.exe and autorun.cdd.

Dragon unPACKer is a utility designed to open and explore game package files. Unlike other utilities, DUP supports file types of over 80 games. The package files are files where all the resources of a game are bundled. Maps, models, textures and even the code can be all inside a package file. Unpacker.exe is rough executable (EXE) file belongs to Trojan horse virus. This dubious program is designed to infect your Operating System’s settings, personal files or data stored in your computer and collect your sensitive or personal information. In other words, it can damage your computer deeply. X: Program Files Epic Games UE4.25 Engine Binaries Win64 unrealpak.exe For third point (UE4.21) you need to copy with unrealpak.exe also DLLs and other (treat UnrealPak.exe and all files below as one if you will follow Exceptions tab).

That said, I recently discovered a project calling itself Universal Extractor 2. I'm not affiliated with the project in any way, but it seems to be a nice continuation of the project in the original open source spirit as my own creation. I've not used it myself, but if you're having trouble with the official version or not able to get it to extract newer formats and executables, I'd recommend giving Bioruebe's version a try.

Skip to: Download/Screenshots Installation and Usage Technical Details Supported Formats Credits


Universal Extractor Feedback
If you have any questions about, or find any problems with, Universal Extractor, please post your comments to the UniExtract subforum on the MSFN message board. This has become the main point of discussion for this project.

Universal Extractor is a program designed to decompress and extract files from any type of archive or installer, such as ZIP or RAR files, self-extracting EXE files, application installers, etc. The full list of supported formats can be found in the table below. It's able to support so many varied file formats by utilizing the many backend utilities listed in the credits at the bottom of the page.

Please note that Universal Extractor is not intended to be a general purpose archiving program. It cannot (and never will) create archives, and therefore cannot fully replace archivers such as 7-Zip or WinRAR. What it will do, however, is allow you to extract files from virtually any type of archive, regardless of source, file format, compression method, etc.

The original motivation behind this project was to create an easy, convenient way to extract files from various types of installation packages without the need to remember arcane command line switches or track down separate utilities to handle the unpacking. Over time, and with the encouragement of its many users and the fine folks over on the MSFN forum, it has evolved into a mature and very capable unarchiving utility that many, including myself, find indispensable.


Exe unpacker

Universal Extractor context menu
Universal Extractor file/destination GUI
Universal Extractor preferences

Download Current Version: 1.6.1, Released: 05/12/2010

UniExtract Installer (5.3 MB) - This is the recommended download. The installer will automatically install the application and optionally integrate with the Windows Explorer context menu. This package does not contain source code.

UniExtract Binary Archive (4.95 MB) - This archive contains the binaries. Download this if you want a portable version, or just prefer not to use the installer.

UniExtract Source Code (163.13 KB) - This archive only contains the source code, but it includes all support files as well (compiler scripts, installer, etc.). This is best to download (along with the binary archive) if you want to help further development of UniExtract.

ChangeLog, ToDo - UniExtract development details

Universal Extractor Download Archive - archived versions of all official binary and source code releases

Note: If you download Universal Extractor from one of the official links above, it is not infected with a virus. If your anti-virus software tells you otherwise, please see this forum post for details.

Language Files

As of version 1.4, Universal Extractor supports internationalization. If you're interested in translating Universal Extractor into another language, please download the source archive and follow the instructions in English.ini. Please send me your completed translation and I'll include it in the next version of Universal Extractor. Thanks to all of the contributors!

To use these language files, simply download and copy into the lang directory of your Universal Extractor installation. The new language will appear as an option the next time you run UniExtract.

Note: The (alt) language files are alternate translations that are not included with the official release. Sometimes I get multiple submissions for a single language, and I like to give everyone credit, but I generally stick with the first one that's submitted out of fairness. Some of the alternate translations may be better than the included ones (or, they may not be), so feel free to give them a try. If you find that an alternate version is better than the included version, please let me know; I may switch them out for the next release.

Language FileNative NameContributerAdded/Updated
Arabic*العربيةAwadh A Al-Ghaamdi10/22/2008
Arabic (alt)العربيةMusab (KooTaa)10/12/2008
Armenian*Հայերէն HayerenHrant Ohanyan05/11/2010
Bulgarian*БългарскиКирил Кирилов (DumpeR)10/12/2008
Chinese (Simplified)简体中文phCole05/13/2010
Chinese (Traditional)*繁体中文Huang Junwei11/21/2006
Croatian*HrvatskiTomislav Glušac10/22/2008
Croatian (alt1)HrvatskiDanijel Ivanieviæ05/11/2010
Croatian (alt2)HrvatskiIvica Hrvoj Ivanić10/12/2008
Czech*ČeštinaLubomír Hajda05/11/2010
Dutch*NederlandsRobby Kooken10/12/2008
English*English (American)Default/native language file05/12/2010
Finnish*SuomiTeijo Sakkara10/25/2008
GermanDeutschArno Krumpholz05/13/2010
Greek*ΕλληνικάNick Mattheakis10/22/2008
Hungarian*MagyarSimon László03/25/2007
Italian*ItalianoTJL73 / Roberto Boriotti05/11/2010
Japanese*日本語Yachuko Nakai11/28/2006
Japanese (alt)日本語Nardog11/28/2006
Korean*한국어/조선말Sunsuk Kim03/21/2007
Persian (Farsi)*فارسیSajjad Mohammadi05/11/2010
Polish*Język PolskiULTIMA PRIME02/22/2007
Portuguese*PortuguêsJosé Gonçalves03/01/2007
Portuguese (Brazilian)*PortuguêsZimzuM / Marcio Barbosa03/21/2007
Romanian*Limba RomânăCristian Stefan02/27/2007
Russian*Русский языкgora05/11/2010
Russian (alt)Русский языкAVV_UA10/12/2008
Russian (old)Русский языкPolarbond02/22/2007
Serbian*SrpskiIvan Stambolić05/11/2010
Slovak*SlovenčinaPeter Žilák02/22/2007
Spanish*EspañolMario Ángel / Leonardo Mauro02/22/2007
Spanish (alt)EspañolArturo Vergara05/13/2010
Swedish*SvenskaStefan Weber05/11/2010
Thai*ภาษาไทยPruthisith (Terry) Prateepavanich11/28/2006
Turkish*TürkçeOnur AYDIN03/01/2007
Ukrainian*украї́нська мо́ва,Warrior10/28/2008
Valencian (Catalan)*Valencià (Català)Rafel Hidalgo i Rangel03/25/2007
Vietnamese*Tiếng ViệtNguyen Nhat Quang02/22/2007

* = Included in current release

Installation and Usage

To install UniExtract, download the installer and run it on your system. You will have a few options during installation:

Select Components - These options specify which program components are installed to disk. These options are only really useful if you need to reduce the installation size.

  • Documentation and licensing information - This includes all files in the docssubdirectory
  • Language files for internationalization support - This includes all files in the lang subdirectory
  • Support for ACE files - Binaries and/or libraries required for ACE archives
  • Support for KGB files - Binaries and/or libraries required for KGB archives
  • Support for Pea files - Binaries and/or libraries required for Pea archives
  • Support for StuffIt files - Binaries and/or libraries required for StuffIt (.sit) archives

Set Program Options - These options adjust the default Universal Extractor behavior. They can be changed after installation through the Preferences menu.

  • Default Language - specifies the language used by UniExtract
  • Debug File Location - specifies the directory to which UniExtract should write its debug file
  • Append missing file extensions - attempt to determine and append the correct extension for improperly named files using TrID
  • Maintain archive history - maintain a list of the ten most recent files that were extracted, as well as the destination directories
  • Remove duplicate files - attempt to detect and remove duplicate that may have been created during extraction
  • Remove temporary files - automatically remove temporary files that may be created during extraction
  • Warn before executing files - some .exe archives must actually be executed in order to perform the extraction. Since this can be a security risk (executing unknown/untrusted code is always a bad idea), UniExtract will display a warning before extracting these types of files.

Select Additional Tasks - These options specify additional actions that can be performed by the installer. They only affects installation of Universal Extractor, and cannot be modified later.

  • Enable Explorer context menu integration - allows you to right click on any archive and directly extract its files
    • Add UniExtract Files.. to context menu - adds ability to specify destination directory
    • Add UniExtract Here to context menu - adds ability to quickly extract to current directory
    • Add UniExtract to Subdir to context menu - adds ability to quickly extract to subdirectory
    • Force association with with all supported archive formats - Forces UniExtract to associate itself with all supported file extensions; by default, it will only associate itself with native Windows formats (.exe, .msi, etc.) and other formats not currently associated with another program
  • Add Universal Extractor to your system path - allows you to run UniExtract (and any related binaries) from the command line
  • Create a SendTo icon - add a shortcut for Universal Extractor to your SendTo context menu
  • Create a desktop icon - add a shortcut for Universal Extractor to your desktop
  • Create a Quick Launch icon - add a shortcut for Universal Extractor to your Quick Launch bar

If you wish to automate installation (for custom or unattended installs), please run uniextractXX.exe /? to get a detailed description of available command-line options for the installer. All standard Inno Setup command line parameters apply, but also pay special attention to the Components, Tasks, and Custom Parameters detailed at the bottom of the help window.

For manual installation with the binary archive, simply extract the files to the destination folder you would like. By default, this puts UniExtract in 'portable mode'. This means that the globalprefs option is enabled (see changelog for details) and the history option is disabled (see Program Options above). The end result is UniExtract can be easily run from portable devices like USB flash drives without leaving any trace of use. Of course, it'll also work just as well if copied to a real hard drive, and all preferences can be modified at any time by editing UniExtract.ini, or by running UniExtract.exe /prefs.

Once UniExtract is installed, usage is simple. The easiest way, if you used the installer and enabled context menu integration, is to right-click on any archive and select click one of the UniExtract options. UniExtract Here will extract files to the current directory, UniExtract to Subdir will extract files to a subdirectory named after the file, and UniExtract Files will prompt you for the destination directory.

If you did not enable context menu integration, you may run the Universal Extractor start menu shortcut, or double-click directly on UniExtract.exe. This will launch the UniExtract GUI. Enter (or use the file browser to select) the file you wish to extract and the destination directory, then click OK. It is also possible to drag-and-drop the file you wish to extract onto the icon or main application window to easily extract the dropped file.

UniExtract can also be run from the command line. Run UniExtract.exe /? for detailed command line parameters.

You can use Add/Remove Programs to uninstall UniExtract, or just delete the directory if you used the binary archive.

Technical Details

When a file is passed to UniExtract, it begins by scanning the file with TrID. If the file format matches one of the supported non-executable formats listed below, it immediately begins extraction from the archive. If it's an executable file, it calls PEiD to analyze the file signature. If the signature indicates that it's a supported format, then it attempts to begin extraction. If it is not a recognized signature, it will try running it through 7-Zip and UnZip as default cases. If 7-Zip or UnZip recognizes it, it will be extracted; otherwise, UniExtract displays an error message and exits.

Note: Filetype scanning with TrID is new as of v1.5. Older versions relied on the file extension to identify the filetype. This behavior is still used if the TrID scan cannot determine the filetype.

If the filetype is supported, UniExtract begins by checking for a valid destination directory and recording the directory size. If necessary, a new directory will be created (with a directory size of zero). UniExtract then spawns a shell and calls the supporting binary to begin extracting files from the selected archive to the destination directory. After completion, UniExtract checks the size and timestamp of the subdirectory to determine if extraction was successful; if the size or timestamp is greater than the initial values, UniExtract assumes success and exits. If extraction fails, UniExtract notifies the user and leaves a log file (uniextract.log) that (should) contain any error messages.

The uniextract.log file is created during the extraction process by the tee program. Essentially, all output from the running binary is redirected to tee, which in turn writes the output to the log file as well as echo it to the screen to give the user current progress. Upon successful execution this file is deleted, but if an error is detected it is left alone for the user to review. Note: As of v1.4, the location of uniextract.log can be changed to any user-specified directory.

Supported Formats

As of v1.5, UniExtract uses TrID to determine the filetype of any given file. If this detection fails, file extensions are used as a backup identifier. The table below is a reference of known-supported filetypes and common extensions; any supported archive types should work regardless of actual extension.

Archive TypeCommon File Extension(s)
7-zip archive.7z, .exe
ACE archive.ace, .exe
ARC archive.arc
ARJ archive.arj, .exe
ASpack compressed file.exe
BIN/CUE CD-ROM image.bin, .cue
bzip2 archive.bz2, .tbz2, .tar.bz2
CPIO compressed file.cpio
Debian package.deb
DiscJuggler CD-ROM image.cdi
Encoded files.b64, .uu, .uue, .xx,
.xxe, .yenc, .ntx
Gentee package.exe
gzip archive.gz, .tgz, .tar.gz
IMG floppy disk image.img
Inno Setup package.exe
Installer VISE package.exe
InstallShield Cabinet archive.cab, .1, .lib
InstallShield package.exe
ISO 9660 CD-ROM image.iso
KGB archive.kgb, kge, .exe
LZH compressed file.lzh, .lha
LZMA compressed file.lzma
LZO compressed file.lzo
LZW compressed file.Z, .tz, .tar.Z
LZX compressed file.lzx
MHTML file.mht
Microsoft Cabinet archive.cab, .exe, .imf
Microsoft Compiled Help file.chm
Microsoft compressed file.??_
Microsoft LIT e-book.lit
Microsoft Windows Help file.hlp
HTC NBH ROM image.nbh
Nero CD-ROM images.nrg
NSIS package.exe
Oasis Document Format (ODF) document.odt, .odp, .odg, .ods
Office Open XML (OOXML) document.docx, .pptx, .xlsx
Outlook Express mail archive.dbx
PEA archive.pea
RAR archive.rar, .001, .exe
Reflexive Arcade package.exe
RoboForm package.exe
RPM package.rpm
SetupFactory package.exe
SIS (SymbianOS) packages.sis
StuffIt packages.sit
TAR archive.tar, .tbz2, .tgz, .txz, .tz,
.tar.bz2, .tar.gz, .tar.xz, .tar.Z
UHARC archive.uha
UPX compressed file.exe, .dll
Windows Imaging Format image.wim
Windows Installer merge module.msm
Windows Installer package.msi
Windows Installer patch.msp
Windows Update Standalone patch.msu
Wise Installer package.exe
XZ compressed file.xz, .txz, .tar.xz
ZIP archive.zip, .jar, .xpi, .wz, .exe
Zoo archive.zoo


Universal Extractor relies heavily on other programs, and would not be possible without the incredible generosity of the Free Software community. This is a list of all of the applications that are used by, or in the creation of, Universal Extractor:

  • 7-Zip (Igor Pavlov, Open Source) - Excellent general purpose Windows archive utility; used to extract .7z, 7-Zip SFX .exe, .bz2, .cab, .chm, .cpio, .deb, .gz, .iso, .lha, .lz, .lzh, NSIS installer .exe, .rpm, .tar, .xz, .wim, and .Z files (and probably even more that I overlooked)
  • ARC (Howard Chu, Open Source) - ARC archiving utility; used to extract .arc files; Note: binary was obtained from http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/arc.htm
  • AspackDie (yoda, Open Source) (homepage seems dead) - Unpacker for ASPack-compressed files; used to unpack .exe files with ASpack compression
  • AutoIt (Jonathan Bennett, Open Source) - General-purpose Windows scripting language; used to write the UniExtract front-end
  • bin2iso (Bob Doiron, Joonas Loppi, Open Source) - Utility to convert BIN/CUE CD-ROM images to ISO images; used in conjunction with 7-Zip to extract .bin/.cue images
  • Barebones Ooz (Booz) - (Rahul Dhesi, Open Source) - Zoo archive extractor/lister; used for extracting .zoo files
  • cdrip (DeXT, Open Source) (homepage seems dead, possible replacement) - Utility to convert DiscJuggler (CDI) CD-ROM images to ISO images; used in conjunction with 7-Zip to extract .cdi images
  • cmdTotal (Adam Blaszczyk, Open Source) - CLI frontend for Total Commander plugins; enables support for the following plugins used by Universal Extractor:
    • DBX (Dmitri R. Letichevski, Freeware) - extracts Outlook Express mail archives
    • InstallExplorer (Domo, Freeware) - Total Commander port of the InstallExplorer plugin for FAR by Sergei Wanin; extracts Gentee, Inno Setup, Installer VISE, InstallShield, NSIS, SetupFactory, and Wise Installer packages
    • MHT Unpacker (Ariel Perez, Freeware) - extracts MHTML files
    • MSI (Alex Gretha, Freeware) - extracts Windows Installer package (MSI) and patch (MSO) files
    • PDunSIS (Patrik Daranský, Freeware) - extracts SIS (SymbianOS) packages
  • Convert LIT (Dan A. Jackson, Open Source) - Converter for Microsoft Reader format e-books; used extract contents from .lit files
  • Crystal SVG (Everaldo Coelho, Free) - Collection of extremely high-quality icons for Linux/KDE; used as the source graphics for the UniExtract icon
  • E_WISE (Veit Kannegieser, Open Source) - Wise Installer decompiler; used for extracting files from Wise Installer packages
  • extract (Gilles Vollant, Freeware) - Floppy disk image extraction utility; used to extract files from .img images
  • ExtractMHT (Jared Breland, Open Source) - Splitter and base64 decoder for MHTML files; used to extract .mht files
  • GIMP (Spencer Kimball and Peter Mattis, Open Source) - The GNU Image Manipulation Program; used to create the icons used by UniExtract
  • HelpDeco (Manfred Winterhoff, Freeware) (homepage seems dead, possible replacement) - Decompiler for Windows Help files; used to extract/reconstruct .hlp files
  • i3comp (Stirling Technologies, Freeware) - InstallShield 3.x Compression and Maintenance utility; used for extracting files from InstallShield 3.x installer packages; can be download as part of WinPack
  • i5comp (fOSSiL, Open Source) - InstallShield 5.x Compression and Maintenance utility; used for extracting files from InstallShield 5.x installer packages; can be download as part of WinPack
  • i6comp (fOSSiL, Morlac, Open Source) - InstallShield 6.x Compression and Maintenance utility; used for extracting files from InstallShield 6.x installer packages; can be download as part of WinPack
  • Info-ZIP UnZip (Info-ZIP, Open Source) - Highly portable ZIP archive utility; used for extracting .zip and ZIP SFX .exe files
  • Inno Setup (Jordan Russell, Open Source) - Open Source packaging application for Windows; used to create the UniExtract installer
  • Innounp (QuickeneR, Open Source) - Inno Setup Unpacker; used for extracting files from Inno Setup installer packages
  • IsXunpack (Pit0n and SkYuS//vN, Freeware) - InstallShield Unpacker; used for extracting files from modern InstallShield installer packages
  • KGB (Thomasz Pawlak, Freeware) - KGB archiver; used to extract .kgb, .kge, and KGB SFX files
  • lzop (Markus F.X.J. Oberhumer, Open Source) - LZO file compression utility; used to extract .lzo files
  • MsiX (Heath Stewart, Open Source) - General purpose stream and transform extractor for Windows Installer files; used to extract files from .msi, .msm, and .msp files
  • NBHextract (pof and TheBlasphemer, Freeware) - Utility to extract contents from NBH files (HTC device ROM images)
  • nrg2iso (Greg Kokanosky, Open Source) - Utility to convert Nero (NRG) CD-ROM images to ISO images; used in conjunction with 7-Zip to extract .nrg images
  • Open-source ARJ (ARJ Software Russia, Open Source) - Open Source implementation of the ARJ archiving utility; used to extract .arj and ARJ SFX .exe files
  • PeaZip (Giorgio Tani, Open Source) - PeaZip archiver; used to extract Pea archives
  • PEiD (Jibz, Qwerton, snaker, and xineohP, Freeware) - Portable Executable File Identifier; used to analyze .exe file signature to determine the filetype and whether or not it's a supported archive; includes Bob's external signature database
  • RAIU (Icebird, Open Source) - Utility to unwrap Reflexive Arcade installers; used in conjunction with innounp to extract Reflect Arcade packages
  • StuffIt Expander 6.0 (Aladdin Systems, Freeware) - StuffIt file decompressor; used for extracting .sit files
  • StIX (Veit Kannegieser, Freeware) - Decompressor for InstallShield 3.x archives and installers; used to extract InstallShield 3.x archives (.1, .lib) and SFX installers (.exe)
  • tee (Free Software Foundation, Open Source) - Shell utility that redirects standard input to multiple outputs; used to write messages to a log file while also displaying current progress; Windows binary was obtained from GNU Utilities for Win32
  • TrID (Marco Pontello, Freeware) - Utility designed to identify file types from their binary signatures; used to determine the type of file passed for extraction
  • UnLZX (Oliver Gantert, Open Source) - LZX file decompression utility; used to extract .lzx files
  • UnRAR (Eugene and Alexander Roshal, Freeware) - Command-line utility for RAR archives; used to extract .rar and RAR SFX .exe files
  • UnUHARC (Uwe Herklotz, Freeware) - Command-line utility for UHARC archives; used to extract .uha files; can no longer find a legitimate source
  • UPX (Markus Oberhumer, Laszlo Molnar & John Reiser, Open Source) - Compression utility for PE files; used to unpack .exe and .dll files with UPX compression
  • UUDeview (Frank Pilhofer, Open Source) - Encoded file decoder; used to decode Base64, UUencoded, XXencoded, and yEnc files
  • WUN (Jägermeister Markus, Icebird, Open Source) - Wise-Setup Unpacker; used for extracting files from Wise Installer packages (updated version of HWUN)
  • XAce (Marcel Lemke, Freeware) - ACE archive utility; used for extracting .ace and ACE SFX .exe files

Easy methods to delete Unpacker.exe Trojan from PCs

Unpacker.exe is rough executable (EXE) file belongs to Trojan horse virus. This dubious program is designed to infect your Operating System’s settings, personal files or data stored in your computer and collect your sensitive or personal information. In other words, it can damage your computer deeply. Technically, this executable file is associated with Divine Wind version 5.1 program developed by “Paradox Interactive”. This software is usually taking 179.17MB of size in your computer memory. It might possible this application helps you in any cases. However, malware programmer replaces this .exe file with malicious one without your knowledge.

Dragon UnPACKer download   SourceForge.net

The legitimate Unpacker.exe file should be run from “C:programs files…” and if you find a suspicious directory, then it is sure that you have installed malicious one in place of original one in your computer. This malicious executable file can easy be seen in Task Manager of your computer as running process. It uses more power of CPU & GPU and makes the overall performance of your System very slow. Like other Trojan horse virus, it can attempt to infect/corrupt all files stored in your computer including documents, databases, ppt, xlx, css, html, text, images, audios, videos, games and/or others. In other words, you can’t open your personal files anymore due to its dubious behaviors.

As discussed above, Unpacker.exe is not safe program for your online privacy & System security. It attempts to steal your sensitive information including IP address, URLs search, login ID & password of your various accounts, banking information and more details as well. These collected data can be shared with other attackers or third parties to generate some income from them. However, it can delete all files & folders of your computer that can make your System useless. So, you should try to remove Unpacker.exe Trojan horse virus from machine as soon as possible.

Distribution methods:

Unpacker.exe or similar malicious executable program can be downloaded/installed in your machine from other software as additional offers. Scammers use “Software bundling method” to install unwanted programs or malicious additions from bundles of freeware or shareware in your computer. If you choose quick/recommended/express settings in setup of download software, then with these settings you are allowing to install all the additional features, tools, and programs included in download software. But it is possible to avoid the installation of these types of malicious additions by choosing custom/advance settings in installation setup.

Prevention tips:

  • Create backup or keep backup of your personal files stored in your computer on some safe external storage or on cloud storage.
  • You should keep up-to-date your Operating System like Microsoft Windows OS, MacOS, Linux and other OS you have
  • Scan your computer for malware or viruses with powerful antivirus software regularly. Updated security software like antivirus software allow you to remove latest threats or malware so you should keep up-to-date your security tools.
  • You should always download any applications from official sources or through direct links and during installation, choose custom/advance/manual settings in setup of download software

Threat Summary

Threat Name: Unpacker.exe, Unpacker.exe malware, Unpacker.exe Virus

Threat Type: Trojan horse virus, backdoor virus, malware

Description: This nasty malware injects harmful codes in your computer’s settings without your knowledge and starts corrupting major genuine functions of your computer immediately.

Distribution methods: Bundles of free software packages, malicious ads or popup, fake software updaters or installers, spam email campaigns

Malware removal method: To remove Unpacker.exe or similar infection, we recommended you to scan your computer with powerful antivirus software.

Do You Suspect Your Computer May Be Infected with ‘Unpacker.exe‘ & Other Threats? Scan Your Computer for Threats with SpyHunter

Spyhunter is a powerful malware remediation and protection tool designed to help provide users with in-depth system security analysis, detection and removal of a wide range of threats like Unpacker.exe as well as a one-on-one tech support service.

For more information, read SpyHunter’s EULA, Threat Assessment Criteria, and Privacy Policy. The scanner you download here is free version and is able to scan your system for possible threat’s presence. however, it requires a 48 hour period to remove detected threats without any charge. if you want not to wait for that period, you will have to purchase its licensed version.


Recommended Methods for Unpacker.exe removal from computer

Unpacker.exe is very dangerous threats designed to injects malicious codes in each location of your computer and damage your computer in very quick time. So, it is important to detect all components related to this virus and attempt to delete as soon as possible. Here, we are discussing about manual and automatic method of malware removal that could help you to remove adware, PUA, PUP, Trojan, worms or other harmful viruses from System.

We will talk about “Automatic Method” further in this article. This process is only about manual method which allows you to detect/delete all the malicious extensions or add-ons installed on your browser. The solution here will help you eliminate unwanted programs or applications from PCs, and remove Unpacker.exe related programs from System registry and so on.

You should read the manual guide carefully and follow each step one-by-one mentioned here. In case if you miss any step or jump to the next one by escaping, it might cause several other System problems. In other word, we can say that there is need of technical knowledge or enough computer knowledge to follow the manual steps. Let’s try to know the location of Unpacker.exe and other associated files in your computer, and remove all the components from System completely using manual method.

Remove Unpacker.exe and related component from Windows PCs manually

For Windows 10 users:

  • Open “Setting” App by pressing “Windows + I” key together from keyboard
  • Go to “Apps > Apps and Features”
  • Locate Unpacker.exe related programs or other malicious applications in the list
  • Click on malicious program and click on “Uninstall”.
  • Follow the On-Screen instructions to uninstall the program completely. Once done, please check if Unpacker.exe related files or program is removed.

For Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 users:

  • Click on “Windows + R” key from keyboard to open “Run Dialog Box”
  • Type “Control Panel” in “Run Dialog Box” and hit “Enter” key
  • In the opened Control Panel, select “Programs and Features”
  • Now, locate all the malicious programs related of Unpacker.exe in the list
  • Click on it and then click on “Uninstall” button
  • Follow the On-Screen instructions to uninstall the malicious program.

For Windows 7 users:

  • Click on “Start” button and type “Control Panel” in Windows Search
  • In the opened Control Panel, go to “Uninstall a Program” option
  • Now, find all the malicious programs in the list
  • Select it and click on “Uninstall” button.
  • Wait for the completion. Once done, please check if Unpacker.exe related programs is removed.

For Windows XP users:

  • Click on “Start” button and click on “Control Panel”
  • In the opened Control Panel, Go to “Add or Remove Program” option
  • Locate Unpacker.exe and other malicious programs in the list
  • Select it and click on “Remove” to remove it from PCs
  • Follow the On-Screen instructions to finish the uninstall process.

Remove Unpacker.exe from “Windows Registry Editor”

  • Press “Windows + R” key together from keyboard to open “Run Dialog Box”
  • In the opened “Run Dialog Box”, type ”regedit” and hit “Enter” key to open “Windows Registry Editor” App
  • In the opened “Registry Editor” Window, search for registry entries created by Unpacker.exe and delete it permanently. Navigate the following location give below and delete Unpacker.exe from here

“HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun” “HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun” “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRunOnce” “HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRunOnce”

  • Once done, close “Registry Editor” window and please check if Unpacker.exe related files is removed.

Delete Unpacker.exe and related components from Mac OS X manually

Stop Unpacker.exe related malicious programs from “Activity Monitor”

  • Go to “Go > Utilities” to open “Utilities” Folder
  • Navigate the “Activity Monitor” icon in the list and double-click on it to open
  • Find all the malicious process related to Unpacker.exe and click on “cross button” on upper left corner to end the task
  • In the confirmation dialog box, click on “Fore Quit” option. Once done, please check if Unpacker.exe related files is removed.

Remove Unpacker.exe from “Applications” folder

  • Go to “Go > Applications” to open “Applications” folder
  • Now, locate Unpacker.exe related programs in the applications folder
  • Right click on malicious one and click on “Move To Trash” button

Remove Unpacker.exe from “LaunchAgents” folder

  • Navigate to “Go > Go to Folder” and type “/Library/LaunchAgents” and then hit “Go” button
  • Now, find all entry related to Unpacker.exe from “LaunchAgents” folder.
  • Click on it and the drag it to “Trash” Folder

Remove Unpacker.exe related programs from “Application Support” folder

  • Navigate “Go > Go to Folder”
  • Type “/Library/Application Support” in “Go To Folder” and hit “Go” button
  • Now, search for Unpacker.exe related infection in “Application Support” folder
  • Select it and drag it to “Trash” folder

Uninstall malicious programs related to Unpacker.exe from “LaunchDaemons” folder

  • Press “COMMAND + SHIFT + G” button together to open “Go to Folder”
  • In the opened “Go To Folder”, type “/Library/LaunchDaemons” and click on “Go” button
  • Now, locate Unpacker.exe related entry in “LaunchDaemons” folder
  • Select the malicious one and move it to “Trash” Folder

Remove all extensions, add-ons or plug-ins related to Unpacker.exe from web browsers

Exe Unpacker Software

Remove malicious extensions from Google Chrome

  • Open “Google Chrome” browser and click on “Chrome Menu” or “Gear icon”
  • Go to “More Tools > Extensions” option
  • Now, locate the malicious extensions associated with Unpacker.exe in the list
  • Select the malicious one and click on “Trash” icon
  • In the confirmation dialog box, click on “Remove” button. Once done, please check if Unpacker.exe related extensions is removed.

Reset Google Chrome:

  • Open “Google Chrome” browser and click on “Gear icon” or “Chrome Menu”
  • Select “Settings” and scroll down to bottom of screen and click on “Advanced” link
  • Click on “Reset” button and to confirm reset the Google Chrome Settings, click on “Reset” button on confirmation dialog box.

Delete malicious extensions from Mozilla Firefox

  • Open “Mozilla Firefox” browser and click on “Firefox Menu” or “Gear icon”
  • Go to “Add-ons > Extensions”
  • Now, find recently installed malicious add-ons or extensions related to Unpacker.exe in the list
  • Select it and click on “Remove” button to remove it completely

Reset Mozilla Firefox:

  • Open “Mozilla Firefox” browser and click on “Firefox Menu”
  • Go to “Help > Troubleshooting Information”
  • In the opened window, click on “Refresh Firefox” button
  • After that, click “Refresh Firefox” button on confirmation dialog box and reset the Firefox settings

Remove all the extensions or plug-ins related to Unpacker.exe from Internet Explorer

  • Open “Internet Explorer” browser and click on “Gear icon” at the top right corner of Internet Explorer browser
  • Go to “Manage add-ons > Toolbars and Extensions”
  • Now, find Unpacker.exe related extensions in the list
  • Select the malicious one and click on “Disable” button to remove it permanently

How To Unpack Exe File

Reset Internet Explorer:

  • Open “Internet Explorer” browser and click on “Gear icon” or “Tool Menu”
  • Click on “Internet Options” and select “Advanced” tab
  • Now, click on “Reset” button
  • In the confirmation dialog box, mark the “Delete Personal Settings” and then click on “Reset” button again

Western union bug activation serial key. Uninstall Unpacker.exe related plug-ins from Microsoft Edge

  • Open “Microsoft Edge” browser and click on “Edge Gear” icon at the top right corner
  • Select “Extensions” and search for recently installed plug-ins or extensions in the list
  • Select it and click on “Remove” button

Reset Microsoft Edge:

  • Open “Microsoft Edge” browser and click on “Edge Menu”
  • Select “Settings” and click on “Reset Settings” button to rest the Microsoft Edge Settings
Exe unpacker android

Remove Unpacker.exe related extensions or add-ons from Safari browser

  • Open “Safari” browser and click on “Safari Menu”
  • Go to “Preferences > Extensions”
  • Now, locate Unpacker.exe related extensions in the list
  • Select it and click on “Uninstall” to remove it completely

Reset Safari browser:

  • Open “Safari” browser and click on “Safari Menu”
  • Select “Clear History and Website Data….”
  • In the opened window, choose “All History” option and click on “Clear History” button

Automatic method of Unpacker.exe removal

The procedures mentioned above is all about manual method of Unpacker.exe removal means you can remove any malicious applications, add-ins or extensions, malicious registry entries from computer and browser. But these processes are time consuming and needs lots of technical knowledge to implement. So, you can go for automatic method of malware removal. This procedure will be helpful for both technical & non-technical users and they could remove all types of infection from their Windows OS and Mac OS X computer in very quick time. Let’s go for automatic method.

Automatic method: Remove Unpacker.exe and related components from Windows PCs

Here, we suggest you to download/install and use “SpyHunter” anti-malware software on your Windows OS based devices. This security tool will help you to delete all the components related of Unpacker.exe from your machine in few minutes. However, both technical and non-technical users can easily use this application and remove unwanted programs from their PCs.

SpyHunter” security application is designed to detect and delete all types of malware including adware, potentially unwanted programs (PUPs), PUAs, rootkits, browser hijackers, Trojan horse virus, backdoor virus, worms, keyloggers and other types of malware.

“SpyHunter” anti-malware is powerful security tool that works on advance scanning mechanism to identify viruses quickly. It is in-built with enhanced multi-layer process that helps you to search for all types of malware. This security application is capable of detecting and removing all kinks of malware or viruses from machine.

This security application features user friendly interface and 24 * 7 Customer Support, HelpDesk customer support service, and the support team delivers custom malware fixes with help of HelpDesk feature.

How to download/install and use “SpyHunter” anti-malware software?

  • Click on “Download” button given below to go to “SpyHunter” page and download the “SpyHunter” software
  • Once downloaded, double-click on “Installer” file to install the program on your machine
  • Follow On-Screen instructions to install “SpyHunter”.
  • Once done, open “SpyHunter” and click on “Start Scan Now” button to start scanning process. For the first time, you should select “Full Scan” option
  • Now, click on “View Scan Results” to see the list of detected threats or infections
  • After that, click on “Next” button to registry the software and remove permanently if you find Unpacker.exe related infections.

Automatic Method: Remove Unpacker.exe and all related components from Mac OS X

It is possible to remove Unpacker.exe related programs from Mac OS X based devices. We have already discussed about manual method of Unpacker.exe removal for Mac devices in the procedure above. Now comes to automatic method. We advise you to download/install and use “Combo Cleaner” anti-malware software on Mac OS X devices.

Exe Unpacker

Combo Cleaner” anti-malware software is powerful security application that is designed to protect your Mac PC against Unpacker.exe related malware and also optimized overall PC performance as well. This anti-malware follows the best mechanism to find out the malicious files and throw way from targeted one. It provides you best and most effective solution in such situation. So, you can scan your PC using this powerful security application.

Exe Unpacker Mac

How to download/install and use “Combo Cleaner” anti-malware software?

  • Click on “Download” button to download “Combo Cleaner” on your Mac
  • Once downloaded, drag the “Installer” file to “Applications” folder to install the program

See Full List On Github.com

  • Once installed, open the “Combo Cleaner” application and go to “Antivirus Tab
  • Select “Scan Mode” and click on “Start Scan
  • All the hidden threats will appear on the screen. Now, click on “Remove All Threats” button